Sewickley Creek Watershed Association

Andrews Run Site

AMD Treatment
The Andrews Run site is a reclaimed surface mine that was mined by Bulldog Excavating. After cessation of mining, polluted discharges developed from the toe of spoil that polluted an unnamed tributary to Andrews Run, a tributary to Sewickley Creek in Westmoreland County. The project goals were to capture and treat the abandoned mine discharge, and the results were the successful installation of a passive treatment system. The project was installed as per design and captures and treats the mine discharge. The system removes primary pollutants including iron and manganese. The project was funded through a PA DEP Grant for $182,782 and was spearheaded by the Sewickley Creek Watershed Association working with Hedin Environmental and the Westmoreland Conservation District. The value of partners is crucial. Cooperation amongst the landowners, consultant, DEP, Westmoreland Conservation District and SCWA was essential to complete this beneficial project!